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The Resilience of Art: Singing through my Wolf Bones

Every reader, especially as a self-published author, has a unique place in our hearts. But it is never more apparent than as someone self-publishing, especially when we first thought we may not publish again.

So I am here to celebrate some recent "wins" as far as self-publishing goes. But regardless, if you have self-published something, give yourself a pat on the back. It's a tough and long road to get a tangible book into the hands of readers, let alone to receive feedback.

• 3 paperbacks sold to the UK 🇬🇧

• 1 hardcover sold to Singapore 🇸🇬

• 1 eBook sold to Denmark 🇩🇰

• 13 total books sold to the US (5 of those at my beloved @spiralbookcase 🥰)

For a long time after the pandemic, I struggled with the question of whether to make art at all. (To rephrase, I always knew I would make art but would I share it with the world?) It takes a significant amount of resilience to open yourself and your vulnerable art back up to the world after being hurt. Yet, with the encouragement of my therapist and many loved ones around me, I have found myself releasing a book which has been received with more love than I expected in my wildest dreams.

To each and every one of you who has purchased a copy, or to even those who have offered support in other ways, thank you. If you're seeking other (non-monetary) ways to support me:

* Reach out for a review copy; I'll exchange with you a pdf copy for an honest review.

* Leave a review on Goodreads, or add the book to your "Want to Read"

* Spread the word to friends and family if you like my work.

It can feel lonely and isolating as a self-published poet, but I am determined to celebrate every success and to find joy in the fact that this book exists in the world, and is being found by those who need it most.

I recently had a fellow writer, poet and muse, reach out to me and ask how I went about publishing my book. It feels like an accomplishment in itself, to have some of my poetry find another artist and inspire them to create their own book.

To anyone considering the self-publishing route, there is no shame in it. There is no shame in pursuing the traditional publishing route either - whatever way speaks to your soul. My collection Singing through my Wolf Bones was very personal to my healing journey. I didn't want an editor's opinions to affect what I knew I needed to produce into the world. The energy that surrounds that project, from the very first written poem, to the very last designed page, is one of reclamation and healing, finding our inner strength and ability to overcome no matter what is thrown at us.

When we feel our most alone, we are reminded that our Higher Self still exists. Our inner Wild, our Wild Woman, or the deepest enchantment of our souls that brings us a resilience to forge ahead.

If you've been waiting for a sign to release your art into the world, take it and run. It's a journey that will test you, but you'll never regret the reception of something that has your whole heart in it.





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