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Submission Call: FLORA

It’s been a long time planting roots in my soul, this project. . . years ago my partner encouraged me to direct my creative indie publishing endeavors toward nature-based anthologies. and here we are.

F L O R A 🌿

please submit your ‘flora’ based poetry and prose. deadline: open-ended.

Word documents preferred with proper formatting and a short author bio.


Flora: ~ plant, bacterial, or fungal life~

“flower” in Latin

a Roman goddess, emblem of spring, wildflowers, regeneration

Flora can be the fungi growing on a dead tree, moss beneath your feet, the colorful heads of wildflowers popping from the grass. . . dried flowers pressed between pages of a book, or the coral of the sea.

so, what does FLORA evoke for you?


send up to 2 poems / 1 prose (max 5,000 words) for inclusion in this nature based anthology to:

proceeds from this project will be donated to wildlife conservation.

I look forward to creating with you 🍄

Questions? Send them here, or to the email above.



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