Trigger/Content Warnings [*TW/CW]: Some of my work deals with sexual assault and the aftermath of trauma and mental illness, including mentions of r*pe, emotional/verbal abuse, drug use, self harm, suicidal ideation, etc.
Please be gentle as you read.
[*ER]: Some poetry is erotic.
"growth", "No wonder poets fall in love with the moon" at Malarkey Books (April 13, 2020)
"better to devour you with", "cerise leaves", "all the good girls go to hell" at Detritus, 'Final Girls' issue (March 3, 2020)
"unleashed", "kick a hole in the sky" at Chantarelle's Notebook (February 15, 2020)
"ginger snaps" at Ghost City Review (December 15, 2019)
"cold as steel" at Mookychick (November 18, 2019)
"linger", "dark things I", "maleficent" at Neon Mariposa Mag 'The Haunting' issue (October 31, 2019)
"To the doe, rotting" at Elephants Never (October 28, 2019)
"becoming the wolf," "werewolf bones", "blood & chocolate", "more wolf than woman", "when I am the hunted", "Red" at Truly U Review (October 27, 2019)
"candy floss" at Elephants Never (September 30, 2019) [*ER]
"Bacchanalia blooming" and "Constellation Coitus" at Satin Soulbits, Wide Eyes Publishing (August 23, 2019) [*ER]
"A Vessel for the World's Passion", "Dripping Honey" & "Army of Women" at Chantarelle's Notebook (July 6, 2019) [*ER]
"coin on the soft tip of my tongue" at Heretics, Lovers, and Madmen (June 23, 2019)
"I have been broken many times before" at Blood Into Ink // There is Strength in Our Stories (June 22, 2019) [*TW/CW]
"Medusa masturbating" at Ghost City Review (June 7, 2019) [*ER]
"cherry consent" at Yes, Poetry (June 4, 2019), Nominated for Best of the Net 2019
"bewitching hour" at Blood Into Ink // There is Strength in Our Stories (May 2019) [*TW/CW]
"brittle", "to the leering" & "becoming Calypso" at Thirty West Publishing House (April 7, 2019) [*TW/CW]
"triggered" at Blood Into Ink // There is Strength in Our Stories (April 2, 2019) [*TW/CW]
"time for reaping" at Who Writes Short Shorts? (April 1, 2019)
"Rosebuds" & "A Lonely Wizard's Enchanted Lighter" at Vamp Cat Magazine (Feb. 13, 2019) [*ER]
"hygge (n.)" at Mookychick (Jan. 23, 2019)
"Reclamation" at Picaroon Poetry, Issue #14 (Jan. 2019)
"How to Become a Phoenix" at Pussy Magic, Hallow's Eve issue (Oct. 31, 2018)
"Clean Shaven" at Barren Magazine, Issue 3 (Oct. 2018) [*TW/CW]
"Never Knew He Wanted" at The Rising Phoenix Review (Oct. 18, 2018) [*TW/CW]
"Practice" at The Rising Phoenix Review (Oct. 8, 2018) [*TW/CW]
"Gallop Through the Night" at Ghost City Review (Sept. 1, 2018)
"Melting Wax" at Collective Unrest (Aug. 22, 2018)
"Watch the World Burn" at Collective Unrest (Aug. 22, 2018)
"growth", "No wonder poets fall in love with the moon" at Malarkey Books (April 13, 2020)
"better to devour you with", "cerise leaves", "all the good girls go to hell" at Detritus, 'Final Girls' issue (March 3, 2020)
"unleashed", "kick a hole in the sky" at Chantarelle's Notebook (February 15, 2020)
"ginger snaps" at Ghost City Review (December 15, 2019)
"cold as steel" at Mookychick (November 18, 2019)
"linger", "dark things I", "maleficent" at Neon Mariposa Mag 'The Haunting' issue (October 31, 2019)
"To the doe, rotting" at Elephants Never (October 28, 2019)
"becoming the wolf," "werewolf bones", "blood & chocolate", "more wolf than woman", "when I am the hunted", "Red" at Truly U Review (October 27, 2019)
"candy floss" at Elephants Never (September 30, 2019) [*ER]
"Bacchanalia blooming" and "Constellation Coitus" at Satin Soulbits, Wide Eyes Publishing (August 23, 2019) [*ER]
"A Vessel for the World's Passion", "Dripping Honey" & "Army of Women" at Chantarelle's Notebook (July 6, 2019) [*ER]
"coin on the soft tip of my tongue" at Heretics, Lovers, and Madmen (June 23, 2019)
"I have been broken many times before" at Blood Into Ink // There is Strength in Our Stories (June 22, 2019) [*TW/CW]
"Medusa masturbating" at Ghost City Review (June 7, 2019) [*ER]
"cherry consent" at Yes, Poetry (June 4, 2019), Nominated for Best of the Net 2019
"bewitching hour" at Blood Into Ink // There is Strength in Our Stories (May 2019) [*TW/CW]
"brittle", "to the leering" & "becoming Calypso" at Thirty West Publishing House (April 7, 2019) [*TW/CW]
"triggered" at Blood Into Ink // There is Strength in Our Stories (April 2, 2019) [*TW/CW]
"time for reaping" at Who Writes Short Shorts? (April 1, 2019)
"Rosebuds" & "A Lonely Wizard's Enchanted Lighter" at Vamp Cat Magazine (Feb. 13, 2019) [*ER]
"hygge (n.)" at Mookychick (Jan. 23, 2019)
"Reclamation" at Picaroon Poetry, Issue #14 (Jan. 2019)
"How to Become a Phoenix" at Pussy Magic, Hallow's Eve issue (Oct. 31, 2018)
"Clean Shaven" at Barren Magazine, Issue 3 (Oct. 2018) [*TW/CW]
"Never Knew He Wanted" at The Rising Phoenix Review (Oct. 18, 2018) [*TW/CW]
"Practice" at The Rising Phoenix Review (Oct. 8, 2018) [*TW/CW]
"Gallop Through the Night" at Ghost City Review (Sept. 1, 2018)
"Melting Wax" at Collective Unrest (Aug. 22, 2018)
"Watch the World Burn" at Collective Unrest (Aug. 22, 2018)
Fiction // Flash
"The Wanted" at Martian Mag (Dec. 3, 2018)
"Birds of a Feather" at Okay Donkey (July 27, 2018), Nominated for Best Microfiction 2018
"Chasing Cassandra" at Cauldron Anthology, Issue 5: Seer (July 13, 2018) [*TW/CW]
"Aim and Shoot" at The Cabinet of Heed, Issue 10 (July 2018)
"Tomorrow" at Crack the Spine, Issue 239, pg. 4 (June 26, 2018) [*TW/CW]
"Polish the Bones" at Spelk Fiction (May 16, 2018)
"Seaglass" at Burning House Press (May 11, 2018)
"Thrills" at Ellipsis Zine (April 25, 2018)
"Nicotine Nightmares" at Nabu Review, Issue 2, pg. 32-36 (April 18, 2018)
"Breaking Ground" at Who Writes Short Shorts? (March 6, 2018)
"Unraveling" at New Pop Lit (Feb. 27, 2018)

In Print
Ghost Bible - issue one (forthcoming)
featuring the poem "crescent"
Poetry in the Time of Coronavirus, anthology to support Doctors Without Borders, etc. (March 2020)
featuring the poem "moon living"
Sleepless Rainy Nights, Spring 2020 issue, Capsule Stories (March 2020)
featuring the poem "when I become your thunderstorm"
From the Ashes, an anthology of womxn's poetry, Animal Heart Press (2019)
featuring the poems "whiskey teeth" & "desert thunderstorm"
Fevers of the Mind: Book 1, edited by David L. O'Nan
featuring the poems "starvation" (Nominated for BOTN '19), "bulls-eye", "warpaint", "battlefield born", "surrender"
RECLAIM: an anthology of women's poetry (2019)
featuring the poems "burn the witch" & "we are all at war"
Mansion anthology, dancing girl press (2018)
featuring the poem "cut free"
Love_is_love anthology for LGBTQIA+ teens, supporting The Trevor Project (2018)
featuring the poem "love is love is love"
Drabbledark: An Anthology of Dark Drabbles, edited by Eric S. Fomley (2018)
featuring "Human in Any Other Form", "Six More Weeks of Winter", & "Saturn's Final Rotation"
Chronos: An Anthology of Time Drabbles, edited by Eric S. Fomley (2018)
featuring "Life Sentence", "Fifth Sun" & "Time's Up"
Ghost Bible - issue one
featuring the poem "crescent"
Poetry in the Time of Coronavirus, anthology to support Doctors Without Borders, etc. (March 2020)
featuring the poem "moon living"
Sleepless Rainy Nights, Spring 2020 issue, Capsule Stories (March 2020)
featuring the poem "when I become your thunderstorm"
From the Ashes, an anthology of womxn's poetry, Animal Heart Press (2019)
featuring the poems "whiskey teeth" & "desert thunderstorm"
Fevers of the Mind: Book 1, edited by David L. O'Nan
featuring the poems "starvation" (Nominated for BOTN '19), "bulls-eye", "warpaint", "battlefield born", "surrender"
RECLAIM: an anthology of women's poetry (2019)
featuring the poems "burn the witch" & "we are all at war"
Mansion anthology, dancing girl press (2018)
featuring the poem "cut free"
Love_is_love anthology for LGBTQIA+ teens, supporting The Trevor Project (2018)
featuring the poem "love is love is love"
Drabbledark: An Anthology of Dark Drabbles, edited by Eric S. Fomley (2018)
featuring "Human in Any Other Form", "Six More Weeks of Winter", & "Saturn's Final Rotation"
Chronos: An Anthology of Time Drabbles, edited by Eric S. Fomley (2018)
featuring "Life Sentence", "Fifth Sun" & "Time's Up"
Creative Nonfiction
"Bewitching Hour" at Pussy Magic (Jan. 28 2019) [*TW/CW]
"My Rebel Heart" at Elephants Never (Nov. 25, 2018) [*TW/CW]
"The Other Half of Me" at Awkward Mermaid Lit Mag (Aug. 28, 2018) [*TW/CW]
"When Night Falls" at Mojave He[art] Review, Issue 4 (Aug. 2018)
"As Day Breaks" at Burning House Press (July 23, 2018)
"Drowning" at Blanket Sea Magazine (May 29, 2018) [*TW/CW]
"To Catch a Glimmer" at Echo, Issue 2 (May 19, 2018) [*TW/CW]
"Never Love Me That Way" at Anti-Heroin Chic Mag (March 24, 2018) [*TW/CW]
Interviews // Blog Posts
Wombwell Rainbow interview with Paul Brookes (July 30, 2019)
"Write to Feed Your Soul", guest post at A New Look On Books (May 17, 2018)