Edited by G.A. Cuddy, featuring Tianna's poem, "Moon Living"
~published March 31, 2020~
POETRY in the TIME of CORONAVIRUS is an anthology of original submissions from the Poets of the World. Proceeds will benefit Doctors Without Borders and Partners In Health - two outstanding organizations supporting the fight against COVID-19 and countless other global health issues. We dedicate this project to all of the healthcare professionals tasked with treating the victims of Coronavirus.
Edited by Carolina VonKampen; featuring "when I become your thunderstorm"
~published March 1, 2020~
Capsule Stories Spring 2020 Edition features stories, poems, and essays all centered around the theme Sleepless Rainy Nights. With over 110 pages of beautiful writing, this literary magazine is perfect to curl up with on a stormy spring night.
Edited by Elizabeth Ruth Deyo; featuring "burn the witch" & "we are all at war"
~published May 17, 2019~
The woman's body is but one of, if not the most controversial, most anatomized out of all political venues. RECLAIM: An Anthology of Women's Poetry is a collection of poems intended to address the need for reclamation of women’s autonomy over their bodies, as a response to their endured oppression as members of a society tainted with capitalist-patriarchal standards.
Edited by Emma Eden Ramos; featuring "love is love is love"
~published Jan. 24, 2019~
Love_Is_Love is a collection of beautiful stories, poems, personal essays, and artwork for LGBTQIA teens. We hope Love_Is_Love will help lend support to LGBTQIA teens struggling to deal with the pervasive homophobic and transphobic rhetoric that can make the world feel like a terrifying and unsafe place. All of the proceeds collected from this anthology will be donated to The Trevor Project, an organization that has been saving the lives of LGBTQIA teens since 1998.